Eco-building Guide
View our Eco-building Guide
Interested in learning more about eco-building and ecological homes? Take a look at our guide!
1st step • Location
Where do you want to live? This is one of the first questions to ask yourself when starting a home project.
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2nd step • Architecture
Passive solar energy consists of letting the heat of the sun into the house through the windows. In a passive solar house, the energy thus captured is stored in materials capable of absorbing heat, integrated into the house, such as brick, concrete, plaster, etc.
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3rd step • Insulation and sealing
Air leaks are a major source of heat loss in a home. In addition, air leaks in walls and ceilings can lead to mould problems, because in winter, the damp air in the house will cause condensation on the structure.
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4th step • Water saving
To save this precious resource that is our drinking water. Avoid waste!
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7th step • Certifications and incentive grants
Find the various grants and eco-certifications available in Quebec!
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9th step • Technologies for saving energy
Want to save energy? Discover the different systems that will allow you to do so!
Several sections of this article are coming soon!
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10th step • Autonomy
Food self-sufficiency, energy, independent home or net zero. Discover the possibilities available to you. Some parts of this article are coming...
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Benefits of an ecological home
The ecological house is a house that takes into account all facets of the habitat, and not just the aspect of performance. There are several benefits to living in an eco-friendly home.
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Your ecological home by Belvedair
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